Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Libby Walks

Maybe Paris should have called the President...this sends an awful message to the American people about what can be done and erased even though the process was correct no matter how uncomfortable it was for everyone involved. The judge and jury made a decision, he broke the law, got caught and was served his consequences. The president decided that his sentence was excessive. What about the hundreds of thousands of excessive sentences that are meted out for behavior across this country?

There are 2.3 million other Americans who don't have Bush's phone number. Libby won't do the time even though he did the crime. I would say something about the need for integrity from public officials but that's laughable with this administration. Perhaps this president was more worried about what Libby would say once he was actually wearing county jail orange and staring at that 12X8 playpen that he was expected to call home for the next 2 years.

Read Talk Left's take

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