Whenever I listen to political coverage on CNN or Fox News (and I watch both on a regular basis) every once in a while an anchor or a guest will say something so ridiculous that I double-take or laugh out loud.
This morning, Fox News had Gov. Jesse "The Body" Ventura on to discuss his thoughts on the presidental race, and the Fox guys brought up 9/11. They asked Jesse about his prior statements on 9/11, and Jesse brought up a perfectly valid point, which is why people who want to know more about 9/11 are attacked, called conspiracy wackos or leftie commies blah blah blah. The Fox anchor responded roughly by saying if you don't trust your government, then why don't you leave?
Are you serious? What is this, Communist China? Attention Fox News fool, dissent is PARTIOTIC. Questioning your government is essential to preserving our freedom, to preserving America, and regardless of your political affiliation you should care about that. The moment we allow government to do all the thinking for us is the moment the state becomes everything the Right despises: a massive, over-reaching government controlling way too much of our lives.
What do you think?