Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gov. Corrupt (D) of Illinois

Check this out.

While the Governor's conduct is disturbing (yet unsurprising) it's nice to see the Democrats call this guy out.  Reid, Durbin, and Obama are stomping this guy and standing behind Pat Fitzgerald, instead of calling this some kind of partisan B.S.  

Let's 'change' this Gov. out of office and out of the position to nominate Obama's successor to the Senate.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On Chuck Hagel

Great article on Chuck Hagel in the New Yorker.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can You Believe This?

Republican, Democrat or Independent, this sort of corruption and ineptitude CANNOT be tolerated:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Clintons and the Convention

The decision has come down the pipe that President Bill Clinton will will be speaking at the Democratic National Convention. I was thinking, "What should he talk about?"

Should he discuss what life was like in the 90s with our booming economy and budget surplus ($230 billion)?

Should he talk about what life was like before the foreclosure crisis, an the gov't bailouts of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?

How about life before Enron?

I'm glad

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Polls

Ignore them. Here's why:

How many of your friends have a cell phone and no land line? I don't think pollsters call cell phones.

The media always under-reports the youth vote (18-25) which also means that they don't get polled accurately. Most pollsters believe they never show up for election day, because historically they don't show up.

Here's a few looks at current youth voting trends:

an article in the Washington Post

YDA (Young Democrats of America)

Civic Youth

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is Obama Right about our National Security

Make up your own mind.

Barack Obama: On Iraq and National Security

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Does L. Boone Picken Have It Right?

See for yourself:

A former Texas oilman is pushing wind, solar, and just about any other source of alternative energy to break our dependence on foreign oil. His goal is to make energy indepenence the No. 1 issue in the presidential debates.